curriculum vitae
Download Mattie’s full CV here.
Bowen, M., Fleming, T., Indahl, B., Vorobiev, D., Szewczyk, D., France, K., Rodriguez de Marcos, L., Quijada, M., Hennessey, J. “Preliminary optical performance of the SPRITE CubeSat instrument.” SPIE Conference Series 12678 (2023).
Szewczyk, D., Bowen, M., Indahl, B., Vorobiev, D., Durell, A., Rodriguez de Marcos, L., Hennessy, J., Chafetz, D., Fleming, B. “Facilities, testbeds, and procedures for characterizing the SPRITE Far-UV CubeSat.” SPIE Conference Series 12678 (2023).
Indahl, B., Fleming, B., Vorobiev, D., Chafetz, D., Williams, J., Bowen, M., et. al. “Status and mission operations of the SPRITE 12U CubeSat: a probe of star formation feedback from stellar to galactic scales with far-UV imaging spectroscopy” SPIE Conference Series 12678 (2023).
Rodriguez de Marcos, L., Fleming, B., Hennessy, J., Chafetz, D., Del Hoyo, J., Quijada, M., Bowen, M., Vorobiev, D., Indahl, B. “Advanced Al/eLiF mirrors for the SPRITE CubeSat” SPIE Conference Series 12188 (2022).
Diaz, A., Vorobiev, D., Indahl, B., Chafetz, D., Snyder, W., Williams, J., Bowen, M., Fleming, B. “Fabrication and testing of high fill-factor solar panels for SPRITE CubeSat.” SPIE Conference Series 12678 (2023).
Bowen, M. & Huber, P. “Reactor neutrino applications and coherent elastic neutrino nucleus scattering.” Phys. Rev. D, 102, 053008 (2020).